ITEM : Civil Work QP NO. : Package
REV. NO.: 1 Contract No
Name of work :Construction of Civil Works DATE: Construction Agency
Sl. No Activity and Operation Characteristics /instruments Class of check Type of check Quantum Of check ReferenceDocuments AcceptanceNorms Format ofRecord Remarks/ Precautions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1.1 Coarse Aggregate for concrete and filters
1.1.1 Particle Size & Shape (Sieveanalysis, flakiness index,  elongation index including  visual inspection. Sieves (confirmingto IS-460-1962) ,

balance, Oven,  Thickness gauge,  Length Gauge,  Metal Scoop etc

B Physical one test per 100 cum/change of source  whichever is earlier IS: 2386 Part-I, (for testprocedure), IS:383 (for  permissible value)/TS SR/LB Results should be as perrequest of design mix subjected  to verification within the limits  specified in relevant IS code
1.1.2 Deleterious materials &organic impurities Balance, Sieve(confirming to IS-460  1962) etc. B Lab analysis &Physical To be done twice persource. Once at the  starting, another in the  middle IS: 2386 Part-II, (for testprocedure), IS:383 (for  permissible value)/TS SR/LB/Test  Report Experts opinion regardingsuitability of the aggregates  shall be obtained from any  specialist institute, Results will  be reported nearest to 0.1% for  clay lumps
1.1.3 Determination of specificgravity , water absorbtion, bulk  density and voids Balance, Sieve(confirming to IS-460  1962) etc. B Physical Once in twelve weeks/500 cum or change of  source whichever is  earlier IS: 2386 Part-III, (for testprocedure), IS:383 (for  permissible value)/TS SR/LB/Test  Report These tests shall be carried outwhile establishing design mix &  results be intimated.
1.1.4 Determination of Crushingvalue, Determination of  impact value Standard Apparatusfor these test shall  be used A Physical To be done twice persource. Once at the  starting, another in the  middle IS: 2386 Part-IV, (for testprocedure), IS:383 (for  permissible value)/TS SR/LB/Test  Report These tests shall be carried outwhile establishing design mix &  results be intimated.
1.1.5 Moisture content Balance, Sieve(confirming to IS-460-  1962) and Oven


B Physical Once for each stack of100 Cu.M. or part there of  Except during monsoon  when this has to be done  every day before start of  concreting IS:2386 Part-IIIIS : 456

IS : 383/TS

SR/LB Accordingly water content of theconcrete will be adjusted. These  tests shall be carried out while  establishing design mix &  results be intimated.
1.1.6 Soundness Reagents (sodiumSulphate or  Magnesium  Sulphate) B Chemical/Physical To be done twice persource. Once at the  starting, another in the  middle. IS: 2386 Part-V, (for testprocedure), IS:383 (for  permissible value)/TS SR/LB/Test  Report These tests shall be carried outwhile establishing design mix &  results be intimated.
1.2 Fine aggregate
1.2.1 Bulkage, bulk density, surfacemoisture & water absorption As per IS Code B Physical Bulkage & surfacemoisture to be done  everyday before starting  the work.

Bulk density & water  absorption to be done  once in twelve weeks/  500 cum or change of  source whichever is  earlier

IS: 2386 (Part III), IS:383/ TS SR/LB/TR Volume of sand and weight ofwater shall be adjusted as per  bulk and moisture content
LEGEND: DOC. NO.:                                 REV-
Legend to be used: Class # : A = Critical, B=Major, C=Minor; SR,TR,MfrTC
Construction Agency  Stamp and Signature SR = Site Register , TR= Test Report , Mfr TC=Manufacturer’s Test Certificate , duly correlated
This document shall be read in conjunction with Tech. Specifications, BOQ &Drawings. REVIEWED BY APPROVED BY Approval Seal
1.2.2 Mortar making properties As per IS Code B Physical Once per source & onefor every change of  source IS: 2386 (Part VI), IS:383/ TS SR/LB/TR should be as per requirement ofdesign mix
1.2.3 Silt, Clay content and organicimpurities and deleterious  materials Balance, Sieve(confirming to IS-460  1962) etc. B Physical To be done twice persource. Once at the  starting, another in the  middle IS: 2386 Part-II, (for testprocedure), IS:383 (for  permissible value)/ TS SR/LB/Test  Report should be as per requirement ofdesign mix
1.2.4 Sieve Analysis, particle shape& size set of sieves B Physical one test per 100 cum/change of source  whichever is earlier IS: 2386 (Part-I), IS:383/ TS SR/LB/TR Should be as per requirement ofdesign mix subject to variation  specified in relevant IS codes.
1.2.5 Soundness Reagents (sodiumSulphate or  Magnesium  Sulphate) B Chemical/Physical To be done twice persource. Once at the  starting, another in the  middle IS: 2386 Part-V, (for testprocedure), IS:383 (for  permissible value) SR/LB/Test  Report These tests shall be carried outwhile establishing design mix &  results be intimated.
1.3 Water
1.3.1 Tests for PH Value PH meter/ PH paper(to be recorded at  site) B Testing at lab One per month for eachsource IS:3025, IS:456 SR/LB/TR do
1.4 CEMENT (review of manufacturers test certicate for each consignment brought at site with the information
1.4.1 a) Ensure that cement isstored in weather tight  covered storage on raised  platform. B Visual 100% covered storage SR/LB Site engineer to check.Manufacturers test certificate to  be submitted by the contractor
1.4.2 Fineness As required B Physical One per 200 MT IS: 4031/1489/269/455/TS SR/LB do
1.4.3 Initial & Final Setting time As required B Physical do IS:4031/TS SR/LB do
1.4.4 Soundness As required B Physical do IS:4031/TS SR/LB do
1.4.5 Specifiv Gravity As required B Physical do IS:4031/TS SR/LB do
1.4.6 Compressive Strength As required B Physical do IS:4031/TS SR/LB do
1.5.1 Materials and accessories As required B Visual 100% IS 4014 SR proper care should be taken inorder to combat corrosion.  Proper care should be taken  while cleaning, moving and  stacking the scafolds. It should  be ensured that they are free  from warped, broken or  damaged edges or uneven  surface before putting them on  works.Cleaning and oiling is to  be done.to check for loose  connections if any
1.5.2 Steel plate / Plywood forconcrete shuttering work As required B Visual 100% IS 4990:1993,IS 1734; ( Part 1 -11)/TS Relevant documents &recommended method of use &  loading etc.
1.5.3 Durability, Strength &Soundness of staging, joists,  shuttering and scaffolding As required B Visual Once As per technical specification,manufacturer’s spec.and IS:  3696,4014, 4990 SR
1.5.4 Connection between individualscaffolding units and safe  slenderness ratio. Two  independent safety measures  against collapse As required B Visual Fortnightly As per relevant IS Codes SR Site engineer to check
1.5.5 Alignment/Shape As required B Measurement Each member & beforeeach lift of shuttering or  before next stage As per approved drawings SR/LB length,breadth,depth,shape,level, plumb line to be checked.  Diagonal bracings are to be  checked.
1.5.6 Check form’s seam marks andwater tightness As required B Physical Random As per approved drawings SR/LB Site engineer to check
1.6 1.6.1 Mix Design As required B Physical Once for every change inmix materials source. IS: 516 & IS:456,IS:10262 Mix DesignReport Design mix is to be carried outat any approved lab.
1.6.2 Trial mix (Cubes compressivestrength)of the Mix Design As required A Physical Min. 3 Trial Mixes withadmixtures (if any) and  Without admixtures IS: 516 & IS:456,IS:10262/ SR/LB/Test  Report
1.6.3 Crushing strength of trial mixcubes As required for 7 &28 days strength  test A Physical As per IS 456 IS: 516 & IS:456,IS:10262/ SR/LB
1.7 Concrete conveying, placing and Compaction
1.7.1 Mixing of concrete mixing of concreteshall be done in a  approved mixer/  weigh batcher/  batching plant such  as to produce a  homogenous mix B Physical To be calibrated at thetime of starting and as  desired by Engineer-in –  charge Review ofcalibration chart/  Certificate, IS 456/  TS time of mixing will be as given inTechnical specification / IS 456  Min. time of mixing should be 2  minutes for mixer capacity 2  cum or less

Min. time of mixing should be 3  minutes or as recommended by  by the mixer manufacturer for  mixer capacity above 2 cum

1.7.2 Handling and Conveying Buckets , Chutes,belt conveyer etc B Physical 100% as per Tech.Spcfn./constructio  n/erection  methodology/ IS  457 SR Technical specification is to befollowed.
1.7.3 Placement of concrete Visual B Physical 100% as perconstruction/erecti  on methodology  as per tech.specs SR no concrete shall be placed untilthe place of deposite has been  thoroughly inspected and  accepted,
1.7.4 Compacting As required B Physical 100% Check forsegregation as per  IS 456 & TS SR Bleeding or segregation etc. isto be avoided as far as  possible. Accumulated water is  to be removed and shall not be  covered with concrete, or dry  concrete
1.7.5 Curing As requiredminimum 7 days B Physical 100% Check for periodof curing as per IS  456 & TS SR Exposed concrete surface shallbe protected against heating  and drying for atleast 72 hrs  after placement.
1.8 Tests on Green Concrete
1.8.1 Workability :- Slump test Standard apparatusfor different method  used for measuring  workability, slump  cone B Physical One sample every 2 hrs.from every mixing plant/  IS 456 IS:456, IS 1199-1959 SR/LB/TR Slump test for medium & highworkability

Site engineer to check

1.8.2 Crushing strength (worksTests cubes) As required for 7 &28 days A Physical As per IS 456 IS:516, IS:456, SR/LB/Test  Report Site engineer to do thetest.
1.8.3 Water cement ratio( CementContent And Water Content) As required B Physical At random at the time ofbatching. As per IS:1199and approved  design mix. SR/LB As per mix design
1.8.4 Check for cement content B Physical At random at the time ofbatching. As per IS:3026,IS: 456, approved  design mix &  technical  specification. SR/LB do
1.8.5 Admixtures for Concrete (ifany) As per IS : 9103 B Testing 100% IS:456, appd.Design mix &  technical  specification TestReport Admixture of appd. Brand andtested quality shall be  used.Manufacturers TC  required.Site engineer to  check
1.8.6 Visual examination offinished structure As required B Visual 100% As per Tech.Specification./App

d. Drg./IS-456

1.8.7 Dimensions do B Measurement 100% As per Tech.Specification./App

d. Drg./IS-456

1.9.1 Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Test for criticalfoundations A NDT 100% IS: 13311 Part- I and Tech.Specification/ IS 456 TestReport Shall be performed by qualifiedpersons/institution with  calibrated equipments, if there is  any doubt in crushing stregth  and on specific instruction
1.9.2 Load Test , Core test &Rebound Hammer As required A Test As required byEngineer. As per Technicalspecification and  IS:456-2000 TestReport The test shall be carried outonly in case of doubt regarding  grade & quality of concrete.
2.0 Reinforcement Steel
2.1 Physical and ChemicalProperties as per relevant IS  codes As required/ agreed B Review of TCs In 100 MT or part thereof IS 1786/ 456/ TS MTC Approved brands areSAIL/TATA TISCON/  RINL/IISCO
2.2 Tolerance As required/agreed C Physical At random IS:1786 SR/LB To be checked at site
2.3 Freedom from defects As required/ agreed C Visual Random before andduring placement As per technical specifications &IS: 468 SR Any of the bars selected for useshall be free from cracks,  surface flaws, laminations and  rough, jagged and imperfect  edges.Steel issued should be  free from excessive rust. To be  stored diameter wise in such a  place so as to permit easy  approach for inspection &  identification. It should be  cleaned of excessive rust  before use.R/f will be tied with  annealed wire. Water  accumulation & distortion of r/f  are to be avoided. To be
2.4 Placement As required/ agreed B Visual 100% As per approved drawings andapproved Bar Bending schedule/  IS 456/ TS SR/LB/Pour card Engineer to check asper Bar Bending Schedule  (BBS) and as per relevant codal  provision
2.5 Cutting tolerance As required/ agreed B PhysicalMeasurement 100% Approved drawings & check list. SR Tolerance as per specifications
3.0 Grout
3.1 Grouting Pressure Calibrated PressureGauge B Physical At random Approved Drwaing SR/LB To be checked at site
3.2 Composition of Grout NIL B Verification ofMTC Each lot/Batch As per Technical Specification SR/LB To be checked at site
3.3 Compressive strength (7 & 28days) As required A Physical 6 cubes for every grout atthe time of each grouting As per Technical specification SR/LB To be checked at site
4.0 Expansion Joints (Test Certificate of Manufacturer & Inspection agency is to be reviewed before placement)
4.1 Check of type & location ofinstallation and release for  concreting NIL B Visual 100% As per Technical Specification MTC To be checked at site
5.0 Brick Masonry, Sheeting & allied works
5.1 Test on Bricks
5.1.1 Soundness As required C Physical As per relevant IS Code/One Sample for 10,000  Nos. or part thereof IS: 1077, IS:3495, IS:2691,

Tech.  Specification

SR/LB To be checked at siteas per frequency stipulated in  specification & guideline.
5.1.2 Colour C Visual One for each stack do do Deep cherry red copper colour
5.1.3 Compressive strength As required B Physical As per relevant IS Code/One Sample for 10,000  Nos. or part thereof IS: 1077, IS: 3495(part I), IS:2891,

Tech.  Specification

do To be checked at siteas per frequency stipulated in  specification & guideline.
5.1.4 Water Absorption As required B Physical As per relevant IS Code/One Sample for 10,000  Nos. or part thereof IS: 1077, IS: 3496(part I), IS:2891,


do do
5.1.5 Visual & Dimension Visual &Measurement tape B Visual &Measurement Random IS: 1077 & tech.Spcfn. do do
5.1.6 Warpage Straight edge &scale B Measurement Per 10000 Nos. IS: 1077 do do
5.2 Sand (masonary work & road works)
5.2.1 Silt, Clay content and organicimpurities As per IS Code B Physical Once per source & for onevery change of source IS: 2386 Part-II, IS:383 /TS SR/LB/TR
5.2.2 Grading Of Sand IS Sieves B Physical once for 100 cum or partthereof or change of  source whichever is  earlier. IS 2116/ IS 383/ TS
5.2.3 Determination of specificgravity and water absorbtion,  & Bulk density Balance, Sieve(confirming to IS-460  1962) etc. B Physical do IS: 2386 Part-III, (for testprocedure), IS:383 (for  permissible value) SR/LB/Test  Report
5.3 Masonry construction
5.3.1 Workmanship B Visual/ Physical All work As per Spec AndIS 2212 for brick  works
5.3.2 Laying Trovel, Square,Plumb bob etc B Physical All work As per Spec AndClause no 11.0 of  IS 2212 for brick  works
5.3.3 Verticality and Alignment ofPlumb Plumb bob B Physical All work IS 2212 and TechSpec
6.1 Bought out items to beprocured form the  manufacturers acceptable Paver Block etc. As required / agreed B Verification ofMTC / Testing/  review 100% BOQ. List ofall BOI to be submitted for  approval along with proposed  vendors Relevantdocuments

/ TC

7.0 RCC PIPES as per IS: 458 & T.S.
7.1 Tests at Manufacturer’s Works
7.1.1 Hydrostatic Test As required / agreed B Physical As per IS 458 Testing Procedure as per IS 458 IR/TC
7.1.2 Absorption Test As required / agreed B Physical As per IS 459 Testing Procedure as per IS 459 IR/TC do
7.1.3 3 Edge Bearing Test As required / agreed B Physical As per IS 460 Testing Procedure as per IS 460 IR/TC do
7.1.4 Straightness Test As required / agreed B Physical As per IS 461 Testing Procedure as per IS 461 IR/TC do
7.1.5 Dimensional Check & VisualInspn. As required / agreed B Physical As per IS 462 Testing Procedure as per IS 462 IR/TC do
7.1.6 RCC wire check & spacing As required / agreed B Measurement Random TS/IS 458 IR/TC do
7.2 Checks at site
7.2.1 Check for Laying and Jointing As required / agreed B Visual As per IS 783 As per IS 783 & Tech.Spec IR/TC
General Points: v) Swelling Index
1.0 Quality Control Manpower A check As per T.S.
2.0 Quality Control Laboratory A check As per T.S.
3.0 Construction Equipments A check As per T.S.
4.0 Organisation Chart B check As per T.S./As per requirement /direction of EIC